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Equity Partnership


People who have extra cash and are looking for a greater rate of return than would be getting from traditional investments are known as angel investors. An angel investment is where the investor gives funding in return for taking equity position in the company. Angle investors generally hold about 20 to 50 percent stakes in the companies they invest.

Venture Capital

Venture Capital or VS investment raises funds from family offices, institutional investors (pension funds, endowment funds etc.) and top net worth people (with assets more than a million dollars) those who permit the VC firms to handle their investments. VCs give the opportunity for the expansion of the firm, no obligation for repayment. It’s easy to locate and has the benefit of dilution of ownership and control.


Initial Public Offering is the process through which a previously unlisted company or a private company can go public by selling its stocks, new or existing to the general public. The people investing in IPO get access to capital to fund growth, creation of liquidity and potential exit for the current owners, maximum value of money. It’s easy to analyze, almost risk free and it is the best to invest in a stock if aiming for long term.

Mergers & Acquisitions

Investors in M&As can get better access to larger market can diversify their portfolio, acquiring or merging with another firm is generally cheaper, get new possibilities offered by a new market and the list of perks go on.